Monday, April 16, 2007

Women Working During WWII

"We Can Do It!" by J. Howard Miller produced for the War Production Co-Ordinating Committee.

World War II had a huge impact on the number of women who worked outside the home. They were not only motivated by patriotism for their country, and money, but also a sense of community that they gained. With the work that they did, they proved that they were able to do many of the same tasks as men. Without their labors, the economy of the United States would not have been able to with stand the huge need of military hardware for the war.

After the war was over, most women lost their jobs and returned either to their low-paying jobs, or back to their position of being a housewife. However, their seed had been planted during the war, and the possibility of paid income outside the household now existed for women.

"Women hadn't hit the glass ceiling yet.- They were just entering the ground floor."
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